Art Markman named director of the IC² Institute

Art MarkmanArt Markman, the Annabel Irion Worsham Centennial Professor of Psychology and Marketing, has been appointed director of the IC² Institute at The University of Texas at Austin, effective Dec. 1, 2018.

Markman succeeds Gregory Pogue, who has served as the institute’s interim director since 2016 and will continue to serve as deputy executive director. Markman has been the IC² Institute’s research director since 2012.

“With his active, imaginative approach to innovation research, his ability to make that research accessible to people outside of the academy and his deep connections to the faculty, Art Markman is the perfect choice for the directorship of IC²,” said Daniel Jaffe, vice president for research. “I’m looking forward to seeing how a dynamic, creative director like Art can make IC² into the critical element of the UT innovation ecosystem that it deserves to be.”

Markman has published more than 150 scholarly works about cognitive science, decision-making and organizational behavior. He is also the founding director of the Human Dimensions of Organizations program in the College of Liberal Arts, which teaches current and future leaders in business, the nonprofit sector, government and the military about how people, groups and cultures influence the workplace.

Beyond the UT campus, however, he’s probably best known as the co-host of KUT’s “Two Guys on Your Head” radio show and podcast, where he and Butler School of Music professor Bob Duke explore the human mind with a unique mix of research, humor and everyday relevance.

“The roots of IC² are tied deeply to Austin’s emergence as a national center of innovation and entrepreneurship. It has been a source of cutting-edge work as well as research-based education programs that have spread best practices to entrepreneurs around the world,” Markman explained. “I am honored to be given the opportunity to support a new generation of research in the path from idea-to-product-to-company as well as the creation of ecosystems that nurture new businesses. This work will enable The University of Texas to maintain its role as a leading source of practical knowledge about how communities enhance the growth of new ventures.”

The IC² Institute was established in 1977 as a “think and do” tank by George Kozmetsky, a former dean of the McCombs School of Business. Through the Austin Technology Incubator and its many other programs, IC² serves as a technology incubator and accelerator and is devoted to researching the intersection of industry, government and academia. Its mission is to promote entrepreneurship and strengthen regional economies, both locally and abroad.

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Selected books by Art Markman:


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November 13, 2018

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