Who We Are
The Bureau of Business Research is the primary in-house research unit of the IC2 Institute. Founded in 1926, the BBR is known for delivering nonpartisan, critical analysis of social and economic trends, economic impact studies, and other decision-making tools.
Experienced, agile and interdisciplinary, the BBR team includes experts from operations research, economics, business and entrepreneurship, public policy, and information science.
What We Do
Through both independent and sponsored research projects, the BBR examines current economic trends and tackles some of today’s toughest issues – like digital literacy, sustainable and equitable economic development, and human trafficking.
Director’s Message Summer 2024
For some university researchers, summer is a time to catch up on projects postponed during the often-hectic spring teaching semesters, get started on grant proposals, travel to conferences, or just take a break away from the demands of campus life for a while and reconnect, restore, and recharge.
At the Bureau, we’re doing all the above this summer, and more.
BBR Project Portfolio
Texas Public Libraries – Digital Literacy
Comprehensive report based on data from 300+ Texas libraries. Research focuses on libraries’ efforts to enhance digital literacy. Prepared for the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
Dell Med Impact on Innovation
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the economic impact of Dell Medical School in its first 8 years. Highlights Dell Med’s innovative strategies for bringing health/medical products to the market.
Human Trafficking By the Numbers
Groundbreaking report that quantifies the impact of human trafficking in Texas – both in terms of number of victims and economic cost to the state.
Readiness Training Program for HUBs
Capacity-building program for women- and minority-owned businesses, developed by BBR business experts in partnership with Travis County and other local partners.
Interventions to Address Labor Exploitation
Case study exploring potential interventions to address day laborer exploitation (primarily wage theft) by employers. Part of an ongoing, five-year, NSF-funded research initiative.
Exploration of Wildlife Trafficking in South Africa
Ongoing research into illicit wildlife trade and potential transmission of pathogens in and around South African game parks. Research is part of an interdisciplinary, multi-university project.
Community Perspectives on Economic Development
A survey of 7000+ residents in smaller towns across Texas illuminates challenges as these towns work to improve infrastructure, retain workers, and enhance quality of life.
Texas Sexual Assault Survivors’ Study
A study of needs and availability of resources for survivors of sexual assault and abuse. Research was conducted with UT’s Institute of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.
A Prosperity Index for Austin
Ongoing effort to help the City of Austin Office of Innovation refine an index designed to measure and understand the prosperity of Austin’s neighborhoods to guide decision-making.
Partners and Collaborators
Recent partners include the National Science Foundation, the Construction Industry Institute, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Travis County, City of Austin Office of Innovation, Austin Independent School District, Capital Metro, Dell Medical School, Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.