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Towards a
Well-Being Economy
The IC² Institute is driving the development of a well-being economy and extending our legacy of achievement:
- Building entrepreneurial ecosystems
- Strengthening regional economies
- Facilitating interdisciplinary research
- Incubating real-world programs to test our ideas
- Studying economic and social forces that shape society
- Catalyzing technological innovation to solve problems
Latest from IC²

Research: Understanding Social Determinants of Health
AI Health for All Conference
April 4, 2024
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Rowling Hall, AT&T Conference Center, UT Austin

News: IC² Institute, Dell Med Fund Four AI Research Projects to Improve Health Outcomes
Bureau of Business
The Bureau of Business Research (BBR) is the primary in-house research unit of the IC² Institute. Established in 1926, the BBR examines economic and social trends using a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods.