An understanding of the economic impact of investments in economic development helps local and state leaders, not to mention business owners, evaluate the return on investment that projects might yield for communities, taxpayers, and shareholders. For decades, the Bureau has assisted industry associations, companies, and state agencies in measuring the economic impact of their operations in Texas.
In support of the Austin Technology Incubator, BBR research staff regularly develop estimates for the economic impacts of firms incubated in several of its programs. Similarly, numerous evaluations are conducted for training sessions in the NSF I-Corps program of the southwest node. And the Bureau intermittently collects data from participants in small business training sessions to determine both the satisfaction with, and longer-term impacts of, the training. BBR staff also provide data and metrics about Institute programs such as Home to Texas and customized innovation programs like the Quicklook Innovator Series.
The sample of projects, below, reflects the broad range of expertise that Bureau researchers have developed over the years. Contact us about how we can help your company or association make more informed investment decisions.
Recent and Representative Publications
Texas Business Review (TBR)
For 75 years, the Bureau published a bi-monthly review of Texas business trends and topics that turned academic business research into information and data for a lay business audience. The entire collection has been digitized here.
“The Quantitative View: How to Measure STEM in the Technopolis” (book chapter 2020)
Texas Public Libraries: Economic Benefits and Return on Investment (2012 and 2017 update)
Texas Military Department: Economic Impacts (2015)
Texas Moving Image Industry Incentive Program (2014 and 2011)
The Economic Impact of Austin Technology Incubator Alumni Companies on Travis County, 2003–2012
Texas Emergency Services Districts in High Growth Areas (2011)
Impact Assessment of the State of Texas Advanced Research Program (2006)
Impact Assessment of the State of Texas Advanced Technology Program (2005)
A Statistical Analysis of the Relationship Between Credit History and Insurance Losses (2003)
Contact Jim Jarrett, BBR Senior Research Scientist, for more information about this research area.