Demo of 3D interactive medical training platform Body Interact, January 20-21

On Tuesday, January 20th and Wednesday, January 21st, the IC² Institute will host a tech briefing and product demo by one of our UTEN-Portugal ventures, Take the Wind, and their “Body Interact,” an exciting 3D Interactive Multi-touch Tabletop platform for medical/nursing training and education. The Body Interact iPad and tablet edition is also used for drug/pharma product training.

The tech briefing/demo sessions will be scheduled as follows:

Tuesday, January 20: 11AM-1PM and 2PM–4PM

Wednesday, January 21: 10–noon and noon-2PM

Location: IC² Institute, 2815 San Gabriel St., 3rd Floor, Austin, TX 78705.

Take the Wind is one of the Portuguese companies participating in the 2015 edition of the UTEN Global Startup Program. UTEN, the University Technology Enterprise Network, is an IC² Institute program which has worked since 2007 to develop globally competitive and sustainable S&T commercialization know-how in Portugal.

For more information on Body Interact, please visit:


Posted on

January 20, 2015

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