Briefly: BBR sexual assault study, oil prices, personality tests, and Portuguese startups

Researchers and program managers from IC² Institute programs in the news.

– Matt Kammer-Kerwick of the Bureau of Business Research was quoted in an article in Texas Lawyer about the BBR’s multi-year study of sexual assault on University of Texas System campuses (“University of Texas System’s Sexual Assault Study to Reshape Campus Policies,” 3/10/2016). The study is unique in scope, covering 13 campuses over four years and combining broad surveys with focus groups and in-depth interviews among administrators, faculty, staff, and member of law enforcement. For more information, see the BBR announcement.

– Mitch Jacobson and Kathleen Baireuther of the Austin Technology Incubator were featured presenters at the Austin Forum on Technology & Society in January. They reported on findings from a 2015 study by ATI and CleanTX that Austin’s cleantech sector contributes $2.5 billion to the area’s GDP and directly employs nearly 20,000 people. For more information, download the report.

– Michael Webber of the ATI Clean Energy Incubator published a piece in Fortune, “How America Could Win Even When Oil Prices Crash.”

– IC² Institute Research Director Art Markman wrote in Fast Company on “The Limits Of Using Personality Tests In Your Office.”

– Marco Bravo of the IC² Institute was quoted in the Portuguese news daily Público on the IC² Institute’s UTEN Global Startup Program, which helps Portuguese companies enter US and international markets.

“We train companies to work in the US market. We don’t do their work for them, to ensure their sustainability in the long run.”

Tecnologia: startups portuguesas à conquista do mercado dos EUA, Público (in Portuguese)

– João Igor, co-founder of the Portuguese startup CoolFarm, recommended the IC² Institute’s programs in a piece in Farming First, “Young Agripreneurs, Your Time is Now!” CoolFarm is a participant in the UTEN Global Startup Program.


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March 11, 2016

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