Call for papers: Multidisciplinary Approaches on Innovation

On September 3, 2013, the University of Porto will host an international workshop entitled “Multidisciplinary Approaches on Innovation” to mark the launch of a new online journal.

IC² Institute Senior Research Scientist David Gibson will serve on the scientific committee for the workshop and as an Associate Editor for the journal, along with a number of collaborators from the IC² Institute’s University Technology Enterprise Network (UTEN).

From the call for papers:

“Innovation is a laboratory for applied creativity where development of innovative projects and exploration of new directions in different disciplines are dynamically perceived. Innovation enables a more conscious perception of place and its characteristics; it is an experimental space in which design methods can be used to examine and interrogate ideas, forms, structures, dreams and visions. Innovation is about transgressing boundaries of multiple disciplines in view of developing novelties or improving existing offerings, methods and processes while taking into account numerous dimensions and angles. It is also about opening new perspectives on the world of tomorrow. Innovation is also a state of mind, which has to be nurtured and cultivated. The currently turbulent environment renders innovation even more challenging, yet necessary, to reach the competitive edge and maintain sustainable advantage. The successful ability to innovate requires a multidisciplinary attitude towards understanding, designing and implementing an overarching innovation strategy.”

Abstracts for the workshop are due on May 1, 2013.

For complete information on the workshop and the new journal, please see:


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April 9, 2013

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