IC² Profile: Chris Meyers’ long journey home

Chris Meyers first came to Austin as a student enrolled in the very first class of the IC² Institute’s Master of Science in Science & Technology Commercialization (MS-STC) degree program. The year was 1996, and he participated in the program cohort located at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia.

Chris Meyers and 1997 MS-STC graduates

1997 MS-STC graduates of the Ft. Belvoir cohort

Eventually Chris relocated to Waco to work with Dr. Corey Carbonara and joined the Austin MS-STC cohort. Serendipitously he attended a presentation by Dr. George Kozmetsky, who needed someone to help flip overhead transparency slides. Meyers volunteered and a mentorship was born. Immediately upon graduating, as a result of his talent and that volunteer effort, Meyers was hired as Director for the Center for Technological Innovation (CTI) in Charleston, South Carolina. CTI became the first incubator in the U.S. to launch an online virtual incubator, to help better serve entrepreneurs state-wide and nationally. The IC² Institute led the project, which included NOAA and the Medical University of South Carolina as partners. Meyers proudly notes that Charleston now has three distinct tech incubator/accelerator facilities through its metro area.

“Getting to turn my coursework and collaborations with UT faculty and classmates into wealth creating practices under the visionary leadership of Laura Kilcrease and George Kozmetsky truly was a blessing and changed my life. It allowed me to enjoy coaching and mentoring inspired tech entrepreneurs and to explore my own startup building aspirations. I now get to return to Austin and do more international work, while making a difference in the world.”

On May 19, 2014, Chris joined the Biz.pt program. He works with Portuguese technology companies in business development, opening new business opportunities for them in the global market.

Chris Meyers in 2014

Chris Meyers in 2014


Posted on

August 8, 2014

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