Cliff Zintgraff of the IC² Institute’s UTEN Portugal program spoke on September 13, 2010 at the Prague Summer Conference on IP & Innovation on the topic Culture Shift: The Mindset, Strategies and Tactics of Active Commercialization.
The conference was sponsored by CEBBIS, Central Europe Branch-Based Innovation Support.
Using as historical context the invention of the cotton gin, Zintgraff noted how a “protectionist” attitude failed to win the day for Eli Whitney, who eventually became rich, but not from the cotton gin. He advocated a strategy of Active Commercialization, and discussed the mindset, strategies and tactics that inventors and entrepreneurs should adopt to reap the rewards of their inventions. He shared related lessons from the UTEN Portugal program, highlighted UTEN Portugal successes, and later in the conference conducted technology portfolio assessment classes that advocated “active fail fast” strategies to identify promising early stage technologies.