FASTForward program seeks mentors for Austin small businesses

The IC² Institute’s FASTForward program invites volunteer mentors from the Austin business community to help Austin entrepreneurs take their small businesses to the next level.

What is FASTForward?

The FASTForward program is a small business growth initiative developed and led by the IC² Institute at The University of Texas at Austin and supported by the City of Austin. It consists of 10 sessions of intensive training.

The program is offered to small businesses headquartered in Austin with existing products and services that hope to accelerate their growth by embracing innovation, i.e., who are ready to utilize new technology, offer novel business models, pursue fresh markets, and create enhanced value for their enterprise. The City’s Small Business Program is subsidizing much of the cost to make FASTForward available to 20 innovative businesses selected through an application and interview process. The next session of the program begins September 12, 2017.

FASTForward program information for mentors

The FASTForward program seeks to accelerate the commercial potential for a new [second] cohort of 20 traditional Austin-based enterprises led by a diverse set of entrepreneurs. This 10-week program takes place September through November 2017. Mentors are requested to attend one social event each month to interact with the entrepreneurs. FASTForward entrepreneurs will make quick pitches to mentors for feedback, advice and possible collaboration. The goal for the entrepreneurs is to engage with at least one new mentor at each event to help them as they build a more market-ready commercialization strategy. Mentors are also invited to attend monthly ‘aftercare’ social/community events with FASTForward companies continuing into 2018. At these events the entrepreneurs will report on their activities, progress and engage with a scheduled presenter for wisdom and assistance. The community mentoring events for Cohort 2 are scheduled on 9/28, 10/19, and 11/16 at the IC² Institute, from 6:00-8:00pm.

Information session for mentors on Wednesday, August 16

If you are interested in sharing your expertise with Austin small businesses, please come to our mentor information session on Wednesday, August 16 from 6 to 7:00 PM at the IC² Institute, 2815 San Gabriel St., Austin, TX 78705. Free parking is available.

To participate as a mentor please contact:

Coral Franke
IC² Institute, UT Austin
(512) 475-8947


Posted on

July 28, 2017

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