GCG announces new program in the Philippines

The IC² Institute’s Global Commercialization Group has announced a new partnership with the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD), a division of the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of the Philippines.

GCG will provide a technology commercialization capacity-building program for PCIEERD’s network of 18 technology transfer offices and Technology Business Incubators. The goal of this seven-month program is to advance the capabilities and know-how of the Filipino technology transfer ecosystem, through an initial evaluation of the ecosystem, followed by training and mentoring, in both Austin and the Philippines, of senior managers of each of the 18 institutions, with a view to driving long-term economic and industrial development through innovation in the Philippines.

The Global Commercialization Group currently has five active international programs and has completed programs in nineteen countries.


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February 8, 2016

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