Payday Lending: Realities and Challenges
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sponsored by the IC² Institute and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
The $59 billion payday lending industry is growing rapidly as a source of short-term consumer credit. Nineteen million U.S. consumers visit 24,000 payday lending outlets each year. This conference examines payday lending in America and its financial ramifications. Do payday lenders aid borrowers who need quick and convenient access to cash? Or do they entrap consumers by charging excessive rates and fees?
Join us for a one-day conference that explores the dynamics of payday lending, from the economic and public policy framework to the evolving options for consumer credit. Come hear nationally known experts discuss this complex topic from municipal, state, and national perspectives. Bankers, academics, students, policy makers, and community and economic development professionals who are interested in learning more about the emerging trends in the alternative financial services industry are invited to attend.