IC² Institute research awards

The IC² Institute will support 11 “Insight to Innovation” projects with seed research funds in the 2017-2018 academic year.

Designed to stimulate research by tenured and tenure-track faculty across UT Austin and to promote thought leadership in the disciplines informing entrepreneurship theory and practice, most projects involve direct collaboration with IC² Institute researchers. Some projects involve specific IC² Institute programs, such as the Student Entrepreneur Acceleration and Launch (SEAL) program. These “Insight to Innovation” grants are designed to accelerate research around innovation and entrepreneurship in topics of key interest to the Institute in the fields of science and engineering, economics, business, arts and culture, and social sciences. Research outcomes will include collaborative research publications and cutting-edge additions to IC² Institute training programs.

IC² Institute 2017-2018 research awards

The research projects to receive financial support are:

The Prospects for Solar Scale-up in India

– Joshua Busby, Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law, LBJ School of Public Affairs
– Debra Dzwonczyk, Mitch Jacobson, and Greg Pogue, IC² Institute

Network Analysis of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

– John Sibley Butler, Department of Management, Red McCombs School of Business; Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts, and Center for African and African American Studies, College of Liberal Arts

Mobile Media Entrepreneurship in China: A Glocalized Network Perspective

– Wenhong Chen, Department of Radio Television Film, Moody College of Communication

Promoting Rural Technology Entrepreneurship Abroad: Lessons from Field Experiments in Japan and Nepal

– David J. Eaton, LBJ School of Public Affairs; Department of Geography and the Environment, College of Liberal Arts; Department of Middle Eastern Studies, College of Liberal Arts; and Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
– David Gibson, IC² Institute

M&A as Entrepreneurial Exit: Motives, Decisions and Outcomes

– Melissa E. Graebner, Department of Management, Red McCombs School of Business
– Greg Pogue, IC² Institute

Evolving and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Emerging Economies
– Sirkka Jarvenpaa, Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Red McCombs School of Business
– Elsie Echeverri-Carroll, IC² Institute

A Pilot Study on the Impact of Economic Development Incentives on the Texas Economy

– Nathan Jensen, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts; and Business, Government and Society, Red McCombs School of Business

Identifying Opportunities in the Market: A Cognitive Investigation of Opportunistic Thinking in Emerging & Experienced Entrepreneurs

– Arthur B. Markman, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts; Department of Marketing Administration, Red McCombs School of Business; and Human Dimensions of Organizations, College of Liberal Arts

Justifying Opportunities: Cultural and Discursive Resources Employed by Nascent Entrepreneurs

– Luis Martins, Chair of Department of Management, Red McCombs School of Business

Value Proposition Iteration Strategies Deployed by Student Entrepreneur Teams

– Clay Spinuzzi, Department of Rhetoric & Writing, College of Liberal Arts; Department of English, College of Liberal Arts; School of Information; and Human Dimensions of Organizations, College of Liberal Arts
– Greg Pogue, IC² Institute

The Distributional Effects of Economic Globalization on Political Risk

– Rachel Wellhausen, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts; and Business, Government and Society, Red McCombs School of Business


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June 15, 2017

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