“Insight to Innovation: Processes and Impacts” 2017 Grant Solicitation

The IC² Institute announces a grant solicitation supporting research by UT Austin faculty around innovation and entrepreneurship. The submission deadline is February 15, 2017.

The “Insight to Innovation” grant solicitation provides funds supporting research collaborations to tenured and tenure-track faculty at The University of Texas at Austin to accelerate research around innovation and entrepreneurship as they relate to fields including, but not limited to: science and engineering, economics, business, arts and culture, and social sciences. The IC² Institute of The University of Texas at Austin anticipates funding 6-8 “Insight to Innovation” research projects of ~$25,000 in an ongoing effort to stimulate research by faculty across all disciplines at UT Austin focused on key topics of interest to the IC² Institute.

Application process: Applications must be submitted on-line via CompetitionSpace (https://utexas.infoready4.com/#competitionDetail/1756744) by 5:00p.m., Wednesday, February 15, 2017. Awards will be announced April 11, 2017. The CompetitionSpace portal will provide a download mechanism for the grant proposal, to be assembled in a single PDF document. Send questions to Coral Franke (coral@ic2.utexas.edu).

Eligibility: Only tenured and tenure-track faculty at The University of Texas at Austin may apply. Proposals that include IC² Institute research scientists as collaborators or engage IC² Institute projects or research priorities will be given priority. Download Grant Solicitation for more information.

Funds can be used for:

  1. Collaborative research conducted by UT Austin faculty
  2. Recruitment and support of students or post-doctoral researchers
  3. Data collection, supplies, research materials, and other related miscellaneous expenditures as they pertain to the research being performed
  4. Travel to relevant conferences for original research presentation
  5. Faculty salary requests can only comprise 50% of requested funds.

Reporting requirements: An interim (one-page) report will be due by September 15, 2017, and a final report (2 pages) will be due April 11, 2018. Each report should include a brief description of what was accomplished to date; a listing of papers submitted/published; relevant presentations; and proposals submitted or funded as a result of the funding received.

Review process: Applications will be evaluated by a committee of staff researchers and faculty.



Posted on

December 13, 2016

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