Clay Spinuzzi, a professor in the UT Austin Department of Rhetoric and Writing, has received the 2018 CCCC Technical and Scientific Communication Award in the category of Best Original Collection of Essays in Technical or Scientific Communication.
The award was given for the Special Issue on the Rhetoric of Entrepreneurship: Theories, Methodologies, and Practices in the Journal of Business and Technical Communication, Volume 31, Issue 3.
Spinuzzi began studying entrepreneurship communication in conjunction with the IC² Institute in 2013. Since then, he has published four articles and four proceedings papers with IC² collaborators as well as editing two special issues on entrepreneurship communication. He continues to work with IC² on ongoing research projects.
The JBTC special issue featured articles by Jeff Gerding and Kyle Vealey, Natasha Jones, and Stephen Fraiberg, as well as an introduction by Spinuzzi, which can be accessed through the IC² Institute’s repository.
The award will be presented at the Awards Session of the 2018 CCCC Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, on March 16.
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