Southwest I-Corps accepting applications for winter 2018 regional program

Researchers are invited to explore the commercial value of their innovations and qualify for a $50K NSF commercialization grant.

Southwest I-Corps Winter 2018 regional programSouthwest I-Corps is now accepting applications to its next regional program, running January 25 – February 22, 2018.

The NSF I-Corps regional program will facilitate the commercial evaluation of academic research and innovation, and develop potentially eligible teams for the national NSF I-Corps program and a $50,000 I-Corps team grant. During the program, teams will be introduced to the fundamental I-Corps principles, helping teams explore the potential value of their research or innovation, and quickly and effectively validate their commercialization strategy.

The NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps) enables teams of scientists, researchers and engineers to explore the commercial potential of their research or innovation. By learning how to assess commercialization opportunities, teams gain a better understanding of their market, customers, competitors and industry.

The IC² Institute hosts the headquarters of the Southwest I-Corps Node, which serves universities and research centers in Texas and adjacent states.

For more information, download the flyer, see the announcement on the Southwest I-Corps website, or contact Aprille Busch, Southwest I-Corps Assistant Director, at


Posted on

October 31, 2017

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