10th Anniversary of Korean Managers Visiting Austin


What happens when a company in South Korea reaches out to the UT Korean Student Association? The answer is a ten-year relationship between The University of Texas at Austin and LSIS, a global supplier of electric power systems. The LSIS managers come to Austin to learn American business practices at the IC² Institute.

LSIS managers at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum

They will be spending half a year taking English classes, and auditing Engineering and Business classes. They’ll also be immersing themselves in Texas business culture through excursions around Austin and the state. In addition, the LSIS managers undertake an independent study project with the supervision of the director of the institute’s Bureau of Business Research, Dr. Bruce Kellison.

The LSIS relationship builds on the institute’s deep experience running commercialization programs in Seoul, Daejon, Jeolabuk-do, and Gyeonggi-do in Korea. Moreover, LSIS chairman and CEO Dr. Ja-Kyun Koo, himself a UT Austin PhD, has been a strong champion of the university through his leadership of the Korean Alumni Association and involvement on the university’s international board of advisors.


Posted on

July 22, 2019

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