Visitors from EGADE Business School at the IC² Institute

On February 19, the IC² Institute hosted a meeting with representatives of the EGADE Business School, Tecnológico de Monterrey. The meeting focused on co-developing entrepreneurial and other research opportunities; offering a bi-national certificate and/or dual degree programs; business incubation, acceleration, and commercialization; multi-national social entrepreneurship, and sustainable, purpose-driven economic development.

visitors from EGADE Business School

Visiting from EGADE Business School were Dean María de Lourdes Dieck-Assad, Associate Dean for Research Teofilo Ozuna, and Orla Branigan, Directora de Mercadotecnia y Comunicación. They met with the Institute’s Robert A. Peterson (Director), Arely Fontecha (International Business Development), Gregory Pogue (Deputy Director), and Carlos Ross, Director of the Center for Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CGIE) in Monterrey. Not pictured: Dr. Janet Ellzey, Vice Provost for International Programs, The University of Texas at Austin.


Posted on

February 23, 2016

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