Senior Research Scientist Emeritus
Dr. Gibson was a Senior Research Scientist and Nadya Kozmetsky Scott Centennial Fellow at the IC² Institute. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from Stanford University in 1983 with a concentration in organizational behavior, innovation and communication theory. Gibson was a Fulbright Scholar at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 1999-2000, and Visiting Professor at Tromsø University Business School, Norway, 2013-2014. His research and teaching focused on technology and innovation-based regional development and entrepreneurship; technology transfer; and sustainable environments and economic development.
Dr. Gibson’s most recent publications include:
- Technology-Based Regional Economic Development: Institutional Perspectives from the United States and Japan, co-authored with Professor Akio Nishizawa (2025) Routledge – Taylor and Francis Group.
- The launch and evolution of a technology-based economy: The case of Austin Texas (2019) David Gibson and Michael Oden in Growth and Change, 50 (3). Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- Austin, Boston, Silicon Valley and New York: Case Studies in the location choices of entrepreneurs in maintaining the Technopolis, (2019). B. Stephens, J.S. Butler, R. Garg and D. Gibson, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 1:46, pp. 267-280.
- The Entrepreneurial University: Context and Institutional Change, Lene Foss and David V. Gibson (Eds.), Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organization, and Technology, 2015.
email: davidg@ic2.utexas.edu