The University of Texas at Austin Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. John J. Hasenbein is a professor at The University of Texas at Austin in the graduate program in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering within the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Research Interests
- Stability of queueing networks, Lyapunov functions
- Game-theoretic queueing models and pricing
- Scheduling and analysis of semiconductor wafer fabs, predictive maintenance
- Large deviations of reflected Brownian motion, associated variational problems
- Queueing applications of Markov decision processes
- Stochastic optimization
- Resilience models for flooding and winter storm mitigation (especially in healthcare networks and power systems/electric grids)
Positions Held
- Professor, September 2016 – present, UT-Austin
- Associate Professor, September 2005 – August 2016, UT-Austin
- Assistant Professor, September 1998 – August 2005, UT-Austin
- NSF International Research Fellow and Visiting Professor
CIMAT – Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas
Probability and Statistics Group
Guanajuato, GTO, Mexico
June 1999 – December 1999
- Ph.D. in Operations Research (Stochastics). School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology, September 1998 - M.S. in Operations Research. School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Spring 1995 - B.S. in Systems Science and Mathematics. Washington University, St. Louis. Spring 1991
Editorial Positions
- Associate Editor, Stochastic Systems, August 2017 – present
- Associate Editor, Operations Research, January 2007 – present
- Associate Editor, Queueing Systems, January 2008 – present
- Topical Editor, Wiley Encyclopedia on Operations Research and Management Science, July 2008 – June 2013
- Associate Editor, IIE Transactions on Operations Engineering and Analysis, January 2009 – present
- Editor, 2010 Tutorials in Operations Research
- Area Editor (Stochastic Networks and Queues), Operations Research Letters, January 2012 – present
ETC 5.128B The University of Texas at Austin Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
tel: (512) 471-3079
email: jhas[at]