Entrepreneurship Eco-system Conference 2009

Developing a University-Wide Entrepreneurship Eco-system: A Comparative Case-Study Across School and Country Boundaries

The IC² Institute and the Herb Kelleher Center at The University
of Texas at Austin, and the Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship at Babson
College are co-sponsoring a major conference on university-based
entrepreneurship eco-systems. Scholars from a select group of U.S. and international
universities (Babson, The University of Texas at Austin, University of Southern
California, Monterrey Tech, National University of Singapore and EM Lyon) will
share research results on how universities work with government, business and
academia to produce an eco-system that creates new enterprises, jobs and wealth.
The purpose of the conference is to share experiences and research and
publish a book which would serve as a key resource for universities worldwide that
want to develop a high impact entrepreneurship ecosystem. The conference will be
held at the McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin on May
6, 2009.

Download the conference program

Researchers from schools in Asia, Europe, Latin America and the United
States examine the cases in each of their universities and extract lessons learned
across countries and institutions to create a model allowing entrepreneurship
education to have a campus-wide impact. Termed the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem,
this multi-dimensional model supports the promotion of entrepreneurship
campus-wide by involving the community in a variety of entrepreneurship initiatives
such as: the integration of entrepreneurship in core requirements; the collection of
entrepreneurship offerings; student-led conferences; on-campus new venture
development; alumni entrepreneurs as faculty and speakers; funded
entrepreneurship research crossing disciplinary boundaries; and educational
extensions of entrepreneurship education into such areas as family enterprising,
technological entrepreneurship and corporate innovation — in short, a
comprehensive program in entrepreneurship teaching, research and outreach woven
into the fabric of the entire university.

For more information, contact: Coral Franke, Conference Manager, IC² Institute, 512-475-8947


Posted on

March 27, 2009

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