Briefly: Markman on fear, Kellison on sexual assault, Jacobson on Austin and clean energy

News and commentary featuring the IC² Institute team.

– IC² Institute research director and professor of psychology Art Markman was interviewed in Salon on what chronic fear means for individuals and society.

“When you get into a chronic fearful state as a society, you start playing not to lose… You don’t take risks in order to achieve greatness – you take risks to ensure that nobody gets hurt.”

If you live in fear, it multiplies fast: “Your entire world simply looks more scary”

Bruce Kellison of the Bureau of Business Research and Noël Bridget Busch-Armendariz of the UT Austin School of Social Work published an op-ed in Huffington Post about their research on the economic consequences of campus sexual assaults.

“Much of the attention paid to campus sexual assault centers on students’ trauma and victimization. Rightly so… But like other crime victims, students also bear enormous economic costs that affect their college careers and often their lifetime earning potential. Yet we know almost nothing about the scope of these costs.”

Campus sexual assaults are economically traumatic for victims

– Austin Technology Incubator Clean Energy co-director Mitch Jacobson was quoted at length in an AustinInno piece on Austin as clean tech hub. He cited examples from the ATI portfolio Ideal Power, J R Thermal, and Omni Water Solutions.

Austin’s $2.5 billion clean energy economy makes a big impact on climate change


Posted on

December 8, 2015

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