IC² Institute to host conference on interactive simulation in medical education, July 24

On July 24th, the IC² Institute and Body Interact will host a lunch conference entitled “Innovations in Advanced Medical Education” on the use of interactive simulation to train medical professionals.

Date: Friday, July 24, 2015
Time: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location: IC² Institute, 2815 San Gabriel St., Austin, TX 78705 – 3rd floor Idea Room
RSVP: Free, registration requested. Lunch will be served.

The conference will cover strategies in medical education and simulation to enhance problem solving and learning for medical professionals.

The keynote speaker will be Dr. Kristina Stillsmoking, Director of the Smart Simulation Hospital at The University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley campus, joined by Dr. Judy LeFlore, Professor and Associate Dean for Simulation and Technology in The University of Texas at Arlington.

A live example of Body Interact, a cutting-edge 3D-medical simulation platform, will be available for hands-on demonstrations. Attendees will experience how digital simulation is used to enhance training in acute and chronic care situations, and how it advances real-time critical thinking and clinical decision-making skills, for medical professionals.

The luncheon event is free, and the attendees will receive a free trial of Body Interact medical simulator software to demonstrate at their own institutions.

Body Interact is a participant in the UTEN Portugal Global Startup Program at the IC² Institute.

Body Interact in use


Posted on

July 14, 2015

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