Officials experience Body Interact at UT RGV

On September 14, Texas Governor Greg Abbot, Senator John Cornyn, Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald and Representative Rubén Hinojosa got first-hand experience with Body Interact, the medical education simulator from Global Startup Program partner Take the Wind of Portugal.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and officials with Body Interact table
UTRGV photo by David Pike

The officials were on a tour of the UT Rio Grande Valley Smart Hospital, a state-of-the-art facility which simulates all departments of a working hospital to train health care providers and first responders.

Body Interact is a unique interactive medical education platform which runs on multitouch table-top and tablet devices as well as by web conference. Body Interact’s flexibility allows it to deliver detailed and customizable medical scenarios in a full range of individual and group educational settings.

Take the Wind is a participant in the UTEN Portugal Global Startup Program, an IC² Institute program which helps Portuguese companies take their products and services to a global market. For the past year, business development specialists from the Institute have been working with Take the Wind to hone its message and develop relationships with medical educators and potential customers.

For more information:

(Photo: Rio Grande Guardian)


Posted on

September 17, 2015

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