Open Innovation Conference 2012

On Nov. 8-9, 2012, the IC² Institute sponsored the First Annual Open Innovation Conference on the theme “the Journey from Ideation to Innovation.”

Conference programDownload presentations


The concept of open innovation has been an emerging trend in business and research in recent years. The work of Henry Chesbrough and others in the academic community galvanized the concept that innovation is a fluid rather than formulaic process. As a result of popular writing, the topic of open innovation has seen a marked increase in research on the application of this popular theory.

Open Innovation Funnel

Despite the extensive literature on the topic along with market interest on the parts of the academic and business community, the idea of open innovation is still under development in a practical sense. The IC² Institute organized the conference for practioners and academicians exploring both the reality of open innovation initiatives in practice along with emerging academic models of innovation which could prove to be the next engine for innovation practice.

One of the areas of innovation often ignored in conferences and research is the journey of a basic idea: whether business model, technology or general notion, from the mind of an innovator into reality.

Keynote speaker: Dr. Art Markman

Art Markman Dr. Markman is the Annabel Irion Centennial Professor of Psychology and Marketing at The University of Texas at Austin. He is the Founding Director of the University’s Program in the Human Dimensions of Organizations (HDO). He received his Ph.D. in 1992 from the University of Illinois and worked at Northwestern University and Columbia University before coming to The University of Texas at Austin in 1998. He has written over 125 scholarly works on topics in higher-level thinking including analogical reasoning, decision making, and motivation. Dr. Markman has extensive experience in executive education and consulting. Dr. Markman and his new book, Smart Thinking, were featured on Dr. Phil in January. Most recently, he taped an episode of Game Changers for the Longhorn Network, which aired in late April.

Schedule and Presentations

Thursday, November 8

Welcome and Introduction
John Sibley Butler, Director, IC² Institute, The University of Texas at Austin

Keynote Speaker
Art Markman, Director, Human Dimensions of Organization, The University of Texas at Austin
Innovating Innovation

Edward Anderson, The University of Texas at Austin
The Innovation Butterfly: Managing Emergent Opportunities and Risks During Distributed Innovation

Christian Dieter Schunn, University of Pittsburgh
Optimizing Example Distance to Improve Engineering Ideation

Paul Paulus, The University of Texas at Arlington
Getting the Most Out of Brainstorming Groups

Heath Naquin, The University of Texas at Austin
Real Time Sample of the State of Open Innovation

Luncheon Keynote
Wayne Fisher, Former Head of Proctor & Gamble GYM
The Role of Effective Problem Definition in Open Innovation
Supplemental materials:
Creative Problem Solving Toolbox
Summary of Creative Problem Solving Tools
Rockdale Innovation

Open Innovation Panel – Examining Government, Startup and Industry interactions in Open Innovation
– Rob Smithson, Dana Holding Corporation: Non-Linear Innovation
– Matthew Love, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Challenges and New Approaches to Open Innovation
– Bob Little, Innography: Identifying New Technology Partners & Streamlining the Open Innovation Process

Carolyn Seepersad, The University of Texas at Austin
Empathic Experience Design for Stimulating Product Innovation

Ben McAllister, Frog Design
Innovation Institutions

Pam Henderson, New Edge Consulting
Opportunity Thinking for Open Innovation

Poster Session and Networking

Friday, November 9

Sanjay R. Sisodiya, University of Idaho
Open Innovation and Networks: Findings Paths to Success in in New Product Development

Philip Wheat, Chaotic Moon
Lean Innovation

Open Innovation Case Study: Intrapreneurship: From Drone to Polecam – part 1, part 2
– Matthew Reedy, USAA
– Shane Osbourn, USAA Innovation Team
– Robert Pacheco, USAA Innovation Team
– Cliff Zintgraff, IC² Institute, The University of Texas at Austin

Heath Naquin, Open Innovation Conference Data Results and Next Steps

Closing Remarks – Art Markman and Heath Naquin


Posted on

November 10, 2012

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