SEAL Decision Day 2015

SEAL logoStudent Entrepreneur Acceleration and Launch (SEAL) is the Austin Technology Incubator’s selective 12-week summer program designed to help student teams tackle the most difficult, deal-killing questions of their new ventures.

Every summer SEAL culminates in Decision Day, when each team decides whether to pursue their dream or end it.

This year the Decision Day event will be live-streamed using Google+ Hangouts on Air on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 from 6:00-8:00 PM CDT.

You may RSVP on the Google+ event page or just watch on the YouTube channel.

The SEAL Decision Day program is below.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015
6:00-8:00 PM CDT

6:00-6:30 – Networking and check-in
6:30-6:40 – Introductions from ATI Director Isaac Barchas
6:40-8:00 – Team presentations:

ATI SEAL Decision DayBio & Health Science
6:40 – Flipped Health
6:50 – Austin Robotics
7:00 – Guardian Sensors
7:10 – ProteanSeq

Clean Energy
7:20 – Lucelo Technologies

IT & Wireless
7:30 – Penumbra Development
7:40 – YouRefund

Out of 150+ student ventures at The University of Texas at Austin, each summer ATI invites a select handful into the intensive, mentor-driven SEAL program. Over the past seven years, 100 students have participated by taking over 50 ventures through the program. Two-thirds of SEAL graduates successfully raised capital or bootstrapped the company to market. Previous SEAL teams include: Ordoro, M87, Lynx Labs, AdBm Technologies, Beyonic Technologies, Favor, Accordion Health, and more.


Posted on

July 31, 2015

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