Intellectual property and SXSW 2014

Meet me at SXSW Interactive 2014On February 27, Hulsey IP Law and the IC² Institute hosted a lunch event and webinar, “Intellectual Property & SXSW 2014: Navigating an Open Ocean of Creativity & Commerce.”

The event offered a timely discussion on the IP risks and rewards of interpersonal and inter-organizational collaboration during one of the world’s most successful breeding grounds for new ideas and creative technologies.

▶ Watch the recorded webinar

Topics and agenda:

11:30-11:45– Introduction & Welcome

11:45-12:00– The IP Risks and Rewards of SXSW Collaboration (Sirkka Jarvenpaa) – Considering in advance how and on what SXSW participants may be both closed and open regarding their and others’ IP rights may greatly increase both the enjoyment and success resulting from active SXSW participation. An expert in explaining how people selectively reveal or manage the tensions of sharing and protection in interorganizational interactions, and what organizational interventions are needed to support such individuals, Dr. Jarvenpaa will highlight how her research in these fields may relate to the venues and events at SXSW.

12:00-12:15– A SXSW Home Room Leader’s Suggestions on IP Collaboration (Chris Walton)– In guiding SXSW participants in his SXSW Home Room sessions—part SXSW program information, part meet up—Chris will discuss how he plans to help SXSW participants get the most out of theirr day, and badge. As a SXSW insider and seasoned product management professional, Chris is skilled at making existing products more profitable, with an exceptional track record of creating and delivering visionary and market driven products to both critical and financial success.

12:15-12:30– A Media & Entertainment IP Attorney’s View (Deena Kalai, Esq.)–An intellectual property attorney and startup consultant with offices in both Austin and Manhattan, Deena represents individuals and businesses engaged in entertainment, intellectual property and technology, including film, music, television, fashion, literary publishing, and mobile/interactive media. As an attorney and business consultant focusing on entertainment/technology law and related corporate matters, her reflections provide insights on how the different IP laws relate to the many SXSW film, gaming, mobile, technology, publishing, and music venues.

12:30-12:45– The Technology & Patent IP Attorney’s Input (Bill Hulsey)—As a Mentor for SXSW in 2013 2014, Bill will highlight patent, trade secret, copyright, and trademark legal issues and concerns relating to intellectual property protection and licensing for which SXSW inventors and entrepreneurs frequently seek answers.

12:45-1:00– Questions & Group Discussion

Hulsey Calhoun P.C. has requested MCLE credit for this 2014 IP Lecture Lunch, including .5 hours in ethics.


Sirkka L. Jarvenpa, Ph.D.
Chair in Business Administration Information, Risk & Operations Management at the McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin

Chris Walton
VP, Products & Services at BestFit Mobile
SXSW Home Room Leader

Deena Kalai, Esq.
Principal, Dana Kalai PLLC
Member, SXSW Film Advisory Board

William N. Hulsey III, Esq.
Hulsey Calhoun P.C.
2013 & 2014 SXSW Mentor, IC² Institute Global Fellow


Posted on

February 21, 2014

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