Northwest Arkansas EDGE Report is out: Innovate Again, Innovate Here!
What if you could solve the most common question in the US? What are we doing for dinner?
Community identity research in Cuenca, Ecuador
In 4 days the team conducted 30+ interviews, presented findings, taught a class, and hosted a workshop where citizens envisioned the future.
IC² at Boise Startup Week
Boise has made notable progress as an innovation community. It is full of people with “can do” attitudes who are committed to the region.
Changing the world starts at home!
On July 29, IC² leadership traveled to McAllen, Texas, for an event with participants in a new UT Austin summer internship program.
10th Anniversary of Korean Managers Visiting Austin
Four LSIS managers are here in Austin to learn American business practices.
IC² Team Visits Sweden
IC² researchers are in Sweden learning about regional efforts to create high tech job growth and development opportunities in rural areas.

IC² Institute welcomes the inaugural Home to Texas cohort
The new Home to Texas program pairs undergraduates with companies in rural and remote parts of Texas for paid internships.
Keene, NH Site Visit
Director Dr. Art Markman and researchers from IC² Institute conducted a site visit to Keene, New Hampshire and the surrounding area.
Austin Revealed: Booting Up Big Tech: Story of Austin’s Rise to Tech Super-stardom featuring a special tribute to Pike Powers
The IC² Institute participated in an event sponsored by KLRU detailing the start of the Austin Technopolis, entitled "Austin Revealed".