For over 40 years the IC2 Institute at The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) has sought to solve complex problems in society. The Institute has weathered two economic shocks with the energy crisis in the 1970’s and the oil bust in the 1980’s. Today, we are facing the economic effects of the COVID-19 crisis, coupled with a historic drop in oil prices that shook the Permian Basin in West Texas. In early April, IC2 Executive Director, Dr. Art Markman, called upon other researchers and practitioners across the UT campus to form the Regional Economic Recovery Team to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.
A call was put out to communities across the state of Texas and the response was remarkable. Communities from all over the state signed up to begin to work together to understand the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on their community, return to their values, and develop a path forward towards economic resiliency.
Through programs and research projects supporting community and economic recovery efforts, IC2 is working with 83 communities this summer, 80 in Texas, and 3 in Louisiana. IC2 is engaging communities through 3 projects and programs: the Home to Texas program, the Sustainable Development in West Texas project, and the Regional Economic Recovery project. These collaborations will empower small and remote communities to rethink economic development in their communities.
Zoom in on the map below to see what communities the IC2 Institute is working with this summer. You can also view a list of communities by clicking this link.
Communities interested in working with us in the fall should review this page to learn about our Accelerator program, Regional XLR8. For updates on research findings, please continue to check our website.