- IC² Institute Training Program Gives a Boost to Small Businesses
- Study Examines Nuclear Small Modular Reactors, Suggests Significant Economic Impact to State of Texas
- With Lessons Learned in Northern Ireland, Students Aim to Improve Healing Spaces on UT Campus
- UT Researchers Develop Methodology for Understanding Social Determinants of Health with Greater Precision
- Matt Kammer-Kerwick Selected as New Director of Bureau of Business Research
- Selected Research Projects Propose Responsibly-Developed AI Solutions, Improved Health Outcomes
- New Resilience Approach Offers Way to Achieve a More Equitable Power Grid
- Graduate Students Propose AI-based Solutions to Support Social Service Providers
- IC² Hosts Delegations from Northern Sweden and the Texas/New Mexico Permian Basin to Explore Energy Transition
- IC² Institute, Dell Medical School Seeking Research Proposals to Advance the Use of AI in Health Care
- IC² Institute to Prioritize Research in AI and Health in 2024
- IC² Institute Welcomes Jo Carcedo to Advisory Board
- IC² Institute Convenes Behavioral Health and Data Experts for Brainstorming Workshop
- IC² Institute Welcomes Chris May to Advisory Board
- Dell Medical School Making an Impact on Biomedical & Life Sciences Sector
- IC² Institute Launches New Research Initiative to Advance the Well-Being Economy
- Dr. Chiquita A. Collins Joins Advisory Board
- George Kozmetsky Student Challenge 2021: UT Austin Students Deliver Innovative Ways to Nourish Texas Communities
- IC² Institute launches Readiness Training Program for Historically Underutilized Businesses
- Local Companies Share Growth Plans and Value with Community Leaders in Pitch Presentations
- UT Austin Team Wins March Economic Madness
- March Economic Madness Round 1 Winning Teams Announced
- George Kozmetsky Memorial Student Challenge Winners Announced
- BBR Wins NSF Award for Labor Trafficking and Exploitation Study
- IC² Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the University Through Research
- Truist Charitable Fund Awards IC² for Small Business Training Program
- KXAN story on IC²: What smaller Texas communities can learn from startups about COVID-19 economic recovery
- Yahoo News on IC² State of the State Report: Report On Texas Economy Amid Pandemic Paints Grim Picture
- Kozmetsky Student Challenge: 20 Student Teams Get Ready to Compete
- 150 Leaders from 58 Communities Join Regional XLR8
- Over 7000 people surveyed in 80 Texas & Louisiana communities
- Spotlight on 3 Small Louisiana Communities
- Home to Texas Stories: Videographer at heart interns at the Basin PBS Station
- We Are Texas : OUR IMPACT
- IC² internships in remote or rural Texas hometowns this summer
- Menard and Harlingen communities met with students who researched their city
- Newly formed IC² advisory board held first meeting
- First annual Student Challenge held online. Winners announced.
- George Kozmetsky Memorial Student Challenge Prize
- IC² begins study to examine regional identity in West Texas
- Northwest Arkansas EDGE Report is out: Innovate Again, Innovate Here!
- Community identity research in Cuenca, Ecuador
- IC² at Boise Startup Week
- Changing the world starts at home!
- 10th Anniversary of Korean Managers Visiting Austin
- IC² Team Visits Sweden
- Photo Contest: Community Showcase 2019
- IC² Institute welcomes the inaugural Home to Texas cohort
- Keene, NH Site Visit
- Austin Revealed: Booting Up Big Tech: Story of Austin’s Rise to Tech Super-stardom featuring a special tribute to Pike Powers
- Roadmapping NW Arkansas' Entrepreneurial Future
- BBR and IDVSA release new study on commercial child sexual exploitation
- IC² Institute 2019 grant solicitation for research on rural entrepreneurship
- Austin Technology Incubator receives AgTech grant from Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator
- IC² and ATI at SXSW 2019
- Innovation Business Acceleration Center presents first cohort at Bengal Global Business Summit
- Gone to Texas: SXSW Immersion for EU Startups
- South Asia Connect conducts Entrepreneurship Week 2 at Nexus
- Nexus and three portfolio companies on CNBC
- IC² in the news: South Asia Connect, Earthly, ICON, Kriya, and Yotta
- IC² helps launch entrepreneurship programs at Alamo Colleges
- Art Markman named director of the IC² Institute
- ATI announces launch of Circular Economy incubator
- "Austin is a tech hot spot. It wasn't always this way"
- IC² announces new business acceleration program in Bhutan
- New guide to resources for startups and innovators at UT Austin
- Korean visiting scholars and students gather at IC²
- New publications from IC²-funded research on global climate policy
- BBR studies human trafficking in the wake of Hurricane Harvey
- IC² developing collaboration with Army Futures Command
- Austin-American Statesman covers ATI rebranding as "deep tech" incubator
- ATI welcomes new member company New Dominion Enterprises
- ATI member EQO wins $100K top prize at inaugural MassChallenge Texas
- Glenn Robinson of XLr8 AP delivers keynote at Disrupt Asia in Sri Lanka
- FASTForward graduate Mmmpanadas wins grand prize in HEB competition
- Hear ATI director Mitch Jacobson on the Up and Comers podcast
- IC² Institute supports research on demographic change and entrepreneurialism in rural Japan
- XLr8 AP to move to Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
- IC² hosts book launch for Kozmetsky biography
- BBR conducts survey of Texas housing needs after Hurricane Harvey
- Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs program kicks off in New Delhi
- New applications of operations research and data analytics to end modern slavery
- ATI welcomes new member company ICON, makers of a 3D printer for houses
- IC² and ATI at SXSW 2018
- BBR researcher speaks about human trafficking research at AAAS
- U.S. Ambassador to India Kenneth I. Juster launches Nexus
- Clay Spinuzzi wins award for special issue on the rhetoric of entrepreneurship
- IC² Institute student and faculty engagement grows in 2017
- Austin Technology Incubator named recipient of IN² clean tech award
- Watch the FASTForward 2017 graduation presentations
- ATI's Mitch Jacobson named Economic Development Volunteer of the Year
- Second cohort of Austin small businesses graduate from FASTForward program
- FASTForward startups appear on Foodie Friday
- New Austin Technology Incubator leadership featured in the Austin Business Journal
- Southwest I-Corps accepting applications for winter 2018 regional program
- Hear ATI's Mitch Jacobson on Austin's collaborative incubator/accelerator scene
- Richard Amato at HATCH! FAIR in Hanoi
- Congrats to Toybrary Austin, winner of 2017 Celia Bell Award
- FASTForward welcomes 19 companies into 2017 program
- IC² Fellow Fred Phillips awarded Kondratieff Medal
- Austin's Entrepreneurial Genesis
- IC² Institute student and faculty engagement
- All systems go for student-led startups at ATI SEAL Decision Day
- IC² signs MOU with Indian state of Maharashtra
- FASTForward program seeks mentors for Austin small businesses
- IC² staff teach course at Peking University
- Nexus incubator graduates its first cohort
- Texas CEO Magazine on "The Genesis of Austin's Brand"
- IC² Institute research awards
- IC² to offer second FASTFORWARD small business training program
- Institute names three new IC² Fellows
- Over 80 years of Texas Business Review now available online
- Austin’s entrepreneurial ecosystem
- Texas public libraries: local resources and economic impact
- Disrupting networks (or, "inverting the IC² Model")
- What distinguishes tech regions from other regions?
- Why blog? Why dialogue? Why collaborate?
- BBR contributes to important new study on campus sexual assault
- A. Didar Singh named IC² Fellow
- IC² at SXSW 2017
- BBR study demonstrates economic value of Texas public libraries
- IC² Institute's XLr8 AP accelerator graduates first cohort of Indian entrepreneurs
- BBR team releases Texas human trafficking estimates
- Job openings at the American Business Incubator in New Delhi, India
- Two Guys on Your Head on creativity and business incubation
- ACC Bioscience Incubator now accepting applications
- IC² announces summer 2017 international internships for UT students
- "Insight to Innovation: Processes and Impacts" 2017 Grant Solicitation
- FASTForward 2016 pitches delivered at City Hall
- IC² Director Greg Pogue on what makes a good pitch
- BBR Director Kellison to serve as President of AUBER
- Austin Energy inspects power lines using drones and imaging tech from India
- Nirankar Saxena named IC² Institute Fellow
- Opinion: Corporate tax reform - inevitable, at last!
- Austin Technology Incubator to host Solar Data Reverse Hackathon with NREL and Zpryme
- First XLr8 AP cohort launches in Tirupati, India
- FASTForward program is underway
- Austin Technology Incubator "graduates" raise $220M
- Changing the world: ATI's mentorship of student entrepreneurs
- New leadership and direction at the IC² Institute
- GCG's Glenn Robinson on the IC² Institute's engagement with India
- ATI’s Bart Bohn helps launch cybersecurity incubator Build Sec Foundry
- ATI, FATHOM & AccelerateH2O to form water tech demo hub
- Smart Cities Innovation Summit highlights
- Portuguese Minister of Science visits the IC² Institute
- IC² Institute launches FASTFORWARD entrepreneur training program with the City of Austin
- ATI to oversee $1M Blackstone LaunchPad program at UT Austin
- New books from the IC² Institute: Open Innovation and Thirst for Power
- U.S. Ambassador to Portugal Robert Sherman visits IC² Institute
- IC² Institute sponsors Small Business Festival, May 2-6
- Portuguese Ambassador Domingos Fezas Vital visits IC² Institute
- ATI to host Cleantech 3 Day Startup event in June
- ATI's Mitch Jacobson named "Mentor of the Year" by Austin Under 40
- Texas Secretary of State meets ATI member Terra Pave International
- 100 cities to attend Smart Cities Innovation Summit in Austin June 13-15
- ATI launches water incubator, participates in White House Water Summit
- Global Startup Program company Feedzai wins European tech award
- Delegation from Belarus visits the IC² Institute
- Norwegian delegation visits the IC² Institute
- Briefly: BBR sexual assault study, oil prices, personality tests, and Portuguese startups
- GCG announces new program in Andhra Pradesh, India
- IC² Institute programming at SXSW 2016
- Visitors from EGADE Business School at the IC² Institute
- Slovak delegation visits the IC² Institute
- GCG announces new program in the Philippines
- Fellow Angelos Angelou delivers 2016-2017 Economic Forecast
- Opinion: What the markets aren’t telling... yet
- ATI partners with Austin Community College to support life science startups
- UTTP training program completes third year in Turkey
- Briefly: Markman on fear, Kellison on sexual assault, Jacobson on Austin and clean energy
- IC² Institute Fellow Manuel Heitor to serve as Minister in Portuguese government
- Global Commercialization Group helps Swedish university overhaul innovation system
- India Innovation Growth Program has impact of $814 million
- Video: EU funding opportunities for US researchers
- Briefly: Governor Abbott and TechFlash Award recognize ATI
- Austin Technology Incubator receives "best in class" Kauffman Foundation grant
- Briefly: Butler honored, Phillips on innovation in Asia, Webber on the grid
- EU public funding opportunities for US researchers
- Robert Peterson to represent University in Polish-U.S. program PLUS IP
- Cliff Zintgraff to give invited talk in Bello, Colombia
- David Gibson named Fellow of the World Academy of Productivity Science
- Officials experience Body Interact at UT RGV
- Opinion: The untold risk in monetary policy
- Student entrepreneurs launch nonprofit to provide telepsychiatry for the homeless
- BBR to take part in 13-campus study of sexual assault in higher education
- Briefly: Marco Bravo talks to 33entrepreneurs, Michael Webber comments on energy
- World Automation Congress 2016 to honor IC² Institute Fellow Delbert Tesar
- SEAL Decision Day 2015
- IC² Institute to host conference on interactive simulation in medical education, July 24
- Webcast: Building the Innovation Ecosystem through S&T Policy
- Cleantech contributes $2.5 billion and nearly 20,000 jobs to Central Texas economy
- Spring/Summer 2015 Update now available
- What not to forget as entrepreneurial opportunity knocks for Millennials and Baby Boomers
- GCG to host delegation of technology-led enterprises from India
- In memoriam: Mariano Gago (1948-2015)
- Greg Pogue to speak at AUTM Asia 2015
- IC² Institute programming at SXSW 2015
- Research Seminar on building a regional innovation ecosystem in Japan
- Texas-Portugal Venture Growth Workshop
- ATI is partner in new wet lab at ACC Highland campus
- GoPro's IPO stock and Apple's camera patents: lunch meeting and webcast
- Demo of 3D interactive medical training platform Body Interact, January 20-21
- Fall/Winter 2014 Update now available
- BBR to study scope of human trafficking in Texas
- Ecuadorian Ambassador Nathalie Cely visits IC² Institute
- IC² Institute curates new GIST Network site
- IC² Institute Fellow Jagdish Sheth publishes autobiography
- Cold war brewing between Saudi Arabia and Texas: Barchas and Webber of ATI
- Lunch meeting and webcast on business names and trademarks
- FUTUREPLACES 2014 and the UT Austin|Portugal Digital Media Doctoral Symposium
- ATI congratulates winners of the 2014 SXSW Eco Startup Showcase
- Lunch meeting and webcast on Entrepreneurial Intellectual Property
- Vote for the IC² Institute at SXSW 2015
- Collaboration leads to new research on how entrepreneurs develop the pitch
- Results of the 2014 IC² Institute Research Call
- IC² Institute helps bring NSF I-Corps node to Texas
- Greg Pogue builds connections in Ecuador
- SEAL Decision Day goes virtual
- IC² Profile: Chris Meyers' long journey home
- IC² Institute Update, Spring/Summer 2014
- Elsie Echeverri-Carroll on the need for research on Latin American women entrepreneurs
- ATI Director Isaac Barchas in Time profile of the Pecan Street Project
- ATI receives Department of Energy NIICE grant
- BBR issues report on Texas black-owned businesses
- ATI volunteers at Spring Service Day 2014
- BBR to release study of Texas black-owned businesses
- Robert Peterson meets with Irish Minister for Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation
- Busy summer for the UT Austin|Portugal Program
- John Sibley Butler on "In Black America"
- Weird AND Profitable: Austin's Incredible Startup Environment
- The Cost of Water vs. the Cost of Energy
- Overheard: Institute staff in the news
- Video from "A New America" Millennials event
- A New America: How Millennials are Sparking Change
- Profile of ATI Clean Energy Co-Director Mitch Jacobson
- Austin Technology Incubator generates thousands of jobs and millions in economic impact
- History of the World in Six Drinks
- Intellectual property and SXSW 2014
- ATI recognizes Manoj Saxena and Michael Webber for contributions to tech community
- Austin Technology Incubator at 25
- New Case Study About ATI's Clean Energy Incubator
- Technopolis: Is it a reality for Shreveport?
- Director of the IC² Institute participates in ringing the opening bell at the NYSE
- ATI Clean Energy company launches IPO
- GCG concludes its first annual Converting Technology to Wealth program
- IC² Institute supports faculty research: Constitute Project
- Govt, community leaders head to Austin this week
- IC² Institute Update, Fall 2013
- ATI and Austin Energy host meetup at SXSW ECO
- Turkish company participates in commercialization training
- Practical Technology Commercialization in Granada, Spain
- The IC² Institute welcomes Robert Peterson as its new Director
- Call for papers: Multidisciplinary Approaches on Innovation
- Spring 2013 Entrepreneur's Workshop opens for registration
- Texas Public Libraries ROI study
- Open Innovation Conference 2012
- ATI awarded grant to explore public-private partnership for wet-lab incubator
- IC² Institute Update, Fall 2012
- WIlliam Hulsey on the Apple v. Samsung case
- IC² Institute to extend commercialization training in Medellín, Colombia
- IC² Endowed Fellow Linda Golden receives ARIA award
- John Sibley Butler speaks at Clinton Global Initiative
- ATI supports relocation of 13 companies to Austin in first year of Landing Pad Program
- ATI and Pecan Street, Inc. explore consumer-facing side of the smart grid
- John Sibley Butler advises startup 1stDown Technologies
- GCG unites Korean and Austin-based companies to improve cancer screening
- IC² Institute offers commercialization training in Medellín, Colombia
- India Innovation Growth Program develops Indian entrepreneurs
- “Kozmetsky was Austin's tech godfather”
- USAA and IC² Institute join forces to supercharge employee-driven innovations
- GCG's energy cakes may save Haiti's forests
- Border Workshop/Jornadas Fronterizas, Nov. 11-12, 2011
- Mexican entrepreneurs at the TechBA Expo
- Kuwaiti Global Bridge Initiative working at high speed
- IC² Institute Director presents Joe W. Neal Award at Austin International Awards benefit
- Elsie Echeverri-Carroll speaks at launch of Science, Technology and Innovation Plan in Medellín, Colombia
- John Sibley Butler honored at Heman Sweatt Symposium on Civil Rights
- New book: Global Perspectives on Technology Transfer and Commercialization
- Paul Zukowski speaks at Hannover Messe
- Undersecretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property David Kappos at the IC² Institute
- Nichols Wins award for entrepreneurship education
- Isaac Barchas featured on CBS News
- GCG launches Global Bridge Initiative with Kuwait
- IC² Institute conference produces new book on Energy and Innovation
- IC² Endowed Fellow Paul Barbara will be missed
- ATI and College of Pharmacy open wet lab for Austin startups
- President of the Dominican Republic visits the IC² Institute
- Cliff Zintgraff speaks at CEBBIS conference in Prague
- IC² Global Fellow Jonathan Sessler awarded $2.5M grant for cancer research
- IC² Institute hosts "From Lab to Market" seminar for Fulbright Scholars
- Google's economic impact in Texas
- MSTC program transitions to the McCombs School of Business
- IC² Institute cited in creation of Tamaulipas Science and Technology Park
- Job generation and wind projects
- Texas' role in GDP jump
- Border health care
- Bureau of Business Research hosts AUBER Regional Economics Conference
- John Sibley Butler to receive Tech Innovation Special Achievement Award
- Austin Technology Incubator links pharmacy grad students with bioscience startups
- Going to college, or getting a job?
- Tolls in Texas
- IC² Institute Fellows Meeting 2009
- John Sibley Butler in Forbes
- Entrepreneurship Eco-system Conference 2009
- Payday Lending Conference 2008
- Elsie Echeverri-Carroll named one of 50 "cerebros fugados"
- An American Story: Mexican American Entrepreneurship & Wealth Creation
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